Amusing BBC News: World of Warcraft is Srs Business

I couldn't help myself but chuckle while reading this article posted on the 8th October 2012 by BBC news, on the nightmare caused by hackers in World of Warcraft taking over the major cities within the game, massacring non-playable & playable characters alike through an in-game exploit.

Blizzard became puzzled and appealed for information into the chaos that had happened, as you can imagine, dead bodies everywhere in the most important cities. Imagine waking up to that first thing in the morning when you log in. My brain would be officially full of WUT.

The problem apparently won't, or "shouldn't" happen again according to the game company. We know that isn't a possibility. People are becoming far too intelligent for their own good and will figure out a new exploit to play with player's minds on WoW.

Nevertheless this article amused me.

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